Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pioneer Woman Blueberry Cobbler ~ by Sarah

This is another Pioneer Woman recipe that did not disappoint!  In fact, it is so delicious that it has now easily become one of my top five favorite desserts of all time.  Seriously, it is AMAZING!  This probably has to do with the full cube of butter.  I have an unhealthy relationship with butter.

1 stick butter, melted
1 1/4 c. plus 2 T. sugar
1 c. self-rising flour (I didn't have any, so I made my own--1 1/2 t. baking powder and 1/2 t. salt for every one cup of all-purpose flour)
1 c. milk
2 c. fresh (or frozen) blueberries (or blackberries, peaches, raspberries, etc.)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 3-quart (9x13 inch pans are 3 quart) baking dish with butter.  Place the stick of butter in a microwave-safe dish.  Heat in a microwave for 30 to 45 seconds until melted.  In a medium bowl, whisk 1 cup of the sugar with the flour and milk.  Whisk in the melted butter.  Rinse the blueberries and pat them dry.  Pour the batter into the baking dish.  Sprinkle the blackberries evenly over the top of the batter.

Sprinkle 1/4 cup sugar over the berries.  (I only sprinkled about 1 tablespoon because my blueberries were delicious and naturally sweet.  Plus, I don't like usually like sugar-coated desserts.)  Bake for 1 hour, or until golden brown and bubbly.  **Note: Check frequently after a half hour has passed.  Depending on your oven, it may cook more quickly.  Take it out when it looks like the picture below and when a toothpick comes out clean.  It's not nearly as good when overcooked!**  When 10 minutes of cooking time remain, sprinkle the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar over the top.  (I didn't do this, either.)  Top with whipped cream or ice cream, if desired.  Amazing!!!



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